Giving Back
Project #1
In life, people often find themselves in a rut. Holiday’s are the furthest thing from their mind.
Whether financially, mentally or through restricted health, they find themselves unable to progress beyond their current circumstances. The inability to stay motivated in a fast changing world, and know how to move forward beyond our current situation can be crippling, no matter your level of success.
This year, Az and Em realised they have the ability to start helping people who find themselves in less fortunate situations, to change their lives, or at least help ease the burden of those in crisis.
So, Starting small with the vision to grow, this year, they plan to donate 4 accommodation packages a year to families in need, to stay for free at their Airbnb properties.
"Our vision is to create a movement of Good Will among other home owners’ within the Airbnb community, encouraging other home owners in holiday destinations to copy us, and offer the same. It’s not about competition, it’s about collaboration.”
Project #2
Your environment is so much stronger than your will power! You can have all the good intentions in the world to become successful, but if you are constantly being infected by the non supportive energy of people that just don’t understand your journey, then your natural instinct will most likely be to quit. It’s imperative to surround yourself with those that are going to lift you higher!
If you are an entrepreneur, you can learn how to become financially free through property investment while being a part of a supportive like minded community every step of the way!
Empower You TV is a FREE motivational platform that was created to show people how to take their life from where they are now, to where they want to be, by interviewing worldwide experts that can share the steps they took to overcome adversity and become successful.
As the founder of Empower You TV, Emily is is committed to helping others achieve success in life and business. This show is designed to help everybody. From the elite to the beginner.
“I believe Financial success, health & wellness & conquering positive mindset are all integral ingredients that go hand in hand to living an empowered life, so I am on a mission to interview leaders that can demonstrate to our motivated audience how to become the best version of themselves” – Emily Greenaway, Host & CEO of ‘Empower You TV’.